there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A dream deferred

Unless something magical happens, it would appear that we are not buying a house any time soon. We visited the last house in our price range on Sunday. It had a really nice yard. And the room that the boys would have was pretty cool.
But the house needs a lot of work. A lot of work has been done, or at least started, but even to my untrained eye, it doesn't seem well done. The layout was also quite strange. And as much as I like certain aspects of the town, I think it may be a little too conservative for a family with a cross-dresser.
It is hard to let go of the idea of 4 apple trees, a chicken coop, and a separate heated studio. But the house itself is not really worth those amenities.
Not to mention the fact that when I called for heating oil yesterday, the price had gone up $.50/gallon in 2 weeks! $4.589/gallon! I remember complaining when it went up to $1.79 the first year we lived here. I'm not sure we can afford to pay a mortgage that will surely be larger than our rent, and be able to heat an entire house.
It just plain stinks.
The good news is that a new couple has moved in upstairs and they seem nice so far. She's pregnant so I can only hope they won't be partying and up all night. And the knuckleheads in the other part of the house are supposedly moving out by the 15th. So if we get someone decent in there, and have better people upstairs, moving out will (I hope) feel less imperative than it does right now.

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