there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Let the ulcer begin!

Tomorrow we will officially be putting in an offer on the house.
Jeremy liked it.
Steven told me it was less work than I thought it would be.
It still will need to be inspected, so who knows what will come of that.

As soon as I get all the paperwork signed, we get to sit back and wait to see if they are willing to accept an offer that is $55,000 less than their original asking price and $19,000 less than the town has it assessed.

Maybe I shouldn't hold my breath.

But the fact is, they have only had offers from contractors looking to "flip" it, it has been sitting around unoccupied for a year, and if they don't accept our offer, then so be it. I am not so in love with it that I will cry if we don't get it. I may cry because our new upstairs neighbors are heavy walkers, but not about that house.

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