there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, June 23, 2008

Let the gut clenching begin!

They came back to us today with the results of the appraisal and a new price. A price which just happened to be what we had decided already we were willing to go up to, but not past. (I was completely vindicated in terms of the home's value, thank you very much.) So assuming they accept the offer of the price they suggested, we will be heading a little further down the path to home-ownership.

Of course, there is still the inspection to be done which will undoubtedly turn up all sorts of unpleasantness.

But the financing portion seems to be in order, and I am highly motivated to get the hell out of this apartment, and I imagine they would like their inheritance, so I hope it goes smoothly from here. The projected closing date is August 12, meaning we would hope to be in the house mid-September.

Aaaahhhh!!!! (Imagine that equal parts ecstatic, terrified, and crazy.) Just don't bring up how much more the mortgage will be than our current rent. I'm trying to ignore that part.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooooh! Congratulations! I know there are many many (MANY) steps ahead but it is still very exciting.