there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Upon consideration...

We're going back on Sunday to have a second look at the house that is in our neighborhood. The one where someone had written "f*** you" on the wall. I like a house with attitude, I guess.
Actually, what I like is a house with 3 bedrooms. And room for my sewing machine. And a first floor laundry room. It is exactly the style of house I was envisioning. Well, maybe not exactly but really, really close.
I know it needs a lot of work. But from what I know, it is mostly cosmetic work. And I also know that we can't afford anything that doesn't need a lot of work. I was looking for a project, after all. And I think I could really love the house once it was done.
Jeremy will be seeing it for the first time. He may run screaming. But probably not. I will say that when I saw it the first time, I did feel overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done. But since then, I have been able to formulate a plan for what work would absolutely have to be done before we moved in, and what could wait. I like having a plan.
Here are the pros:
  • Good sized yard-- big enough for playing and a garden, but not so big it requires a riding lawn mower.
  • 3 bedrooms-- Sebastian wants his own room, or they could share and have a playroom.
  • Large kitchen
  • Lots of space for our family, plus room to expand into what is currently the workshop.
  • We can still walk to everything (gas prices being what they are).
  • We would likely be able to turn a large profit if we did want to resell it in a few years.

Here are the cons:

  • We'd still be in the same damn neighborhood I was trying to leave.
  • Lots and lots of sheet-rocking, painting, planting and fence-building to do.
  • No privacy on a corner lot.
  • Still in Brattleboro where I'm not keen on the school system or the high taxes.
  • It would cost more to heat and oil is expensive.

I would love to hear your opinions, if you have any. Click the link above first, if you'd like to see for yourself. This is all predicated on convincing them to take a way lower offer than their asking price. But, hey, they have owned that house since 1930, the old lady's dead, and it's been on the market for 8 months now.


hazzardous topics said...

I feel like all opinions I may have are totally biased, because I want you to stay close. I think (as far as I know) that it is a great first house. Take it from a girl who has looked at a lot of "handy mans specials", it has potential.

Clockwatcher said...

I like the look of this house, in the pictures at least. Curious to hear how it goes!

princess cortney said...

it doesn't look bad, and corner lot equals less next door neighbors. it is big and roomy. and the yard... when do we start hanging sheet rock? sign us up!

Moment said...

A far as I can see the worst part is the location of the stove. All you need is a nice big fence and some paint! I'll leave the kids with my mom and come help.
Go for it!

Hott Mama said...

Thank you all for your support. Just remember, I will be calling you on it provided they accept our insultingly low offer.