there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, June 20, 2008

Potty humor: nature or nurture?

The answer to this (in our house anyway) is a resounding NATURE.

Mr. Sebastian aka "the little man" was never one for potty humor. Well, maybe not never, but rarely. His darling brother, on the other hand, never met a poop joke he didn't like or make up himself.

Dorian has taken lately to playing the keyboard while singing his original tune "Poop Smell" at full volume. This distresses Sebastian greatly. "He shouldn't be talking about poop!" he yells over the din.

Dorian also has a new pet name for me, "Shmoopsie Poopsie," which I find terribly cute. Sebastian disagrees. "When I hear him say 'Shmoopsie Poopsie' it makes me think of poop. He needs to stop saying that!"

As you can see, the young'un didn't get it from his older brother. The funny thing is that it is my policy that it's not appropriate at the table, but otherwise, I don't care. Kids will be kids, and in my mind, potty humor is normal and pretty harmless. Sebastian needs to lighten up.


Crispin H. Glover said...

You may think it's fine since you get to be called "Shmoopsie Poopsie," a lovely pet name, but Dorian prefers to say to me things like this, "You smell like poop." Inappropriate!

Clockwatcher said...

This is hilarious!

princess cortney said...

i agree. HI larious!! and papa gamera does smell like poop. the kid just calls it like he smells it.