there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

House update

They did not accept our offer. I didn't really expect that they would, but you never know. They have countered with a price $25,000 more than we offered. We are only willing to go up by $5,000. So it would appear we are at an impasse.
So be it.
In another month, if they haven't had any more offers, we can try again if we still want it. Or something else might come up. But at least we tried. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. I was really looking forward to getting out of our apartment and into something all our own.
Especially after seeing the new upstairs neighbors' bumper stickers this afternoon. Would you like to hear what they are? Sure you would!
  • A ribbon reading "Support drinking"
  • A ribbon reading "Support bitching"
  • A ribbon with a depiction of a man's silhouette being violated by a gas pump nozzle
  • The infamous "If you are going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair"
  • And one that I have mercifully forgotten

Why me?

1 comment:

Hott Mama said...

The one I forgot reads, "Give me the finger like you mean it"

Why, I don't know.