there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, June 30, 2008

It is baseball season, so I guess curveballs are to be expected.

I was all psyched to tell you all how well the inspection went, how everything was going forward as planned and maybe even sooner. I spent the morning dropping off all the paperwork and checks and felt like it was all in order.

How wrong I am capable of being! There were some red flags for the day which I tried to ignore...
  • The fact that the bank had wrongly cashed a $1000 check twice, thereby ensuring that my rent check will bounce if not remedied immediately.
  • The terrible behavior of the children in said bank.
  • The crossing of my path by my nemesis who failed to signal while making a left turn, almost causing an accident.
  • The fact that I thought I everything was under control.

That last illusion was shattered by a phone call from the mortgage company saying that they heard the appraisal done by the sellers rated the house as "Fair" but they will not lend for anything less than "Average." Now things that I was planning to fix after the closing will have to be done before in order to receive financing. This throws a complete monkey wrench in my plans and complicates everything.

I should have known it was going too smoothly. So now I need to be a little more reserved in my excitement. Jeremy seems to be maintaining a level head about it, so I guess I can try.

I need some chocolate.


princess cortney said...

tell me what to do to make this house a reality for y'all.

q said...

you should have some chocolate