there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yay for 31!

Yesterday, Mr. Jeremy turned 31, which I'm hoping was his best birthday ever, like it was for me. (At least until 32, which was just as good.) He did get a great collection of presents, including...

A new house! I know it's a bit over the top, and it isn't finalized yet, but I'm giving him over $100,000 in debt for his birthday this year. They were signing the papers yesterday to agree to sell, assuming we don't bail out after the inspection. I took Quinn and Cortney for a field trip around the corner last night, and we got the seal of approval (which we'd already received from Christine and Steven). And a hot tip on a chimney sweep should we need one. So now we're in business.
Happy birthday, Jeremy! 31 is sure to be an exciting year!


Listmaker said...

hooray! this is great news. congratulations!

being 31 is da bomb.

Hott Mama said...

Thank you very much!