there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Eventful morning

The Good: We started the morning off with the best All School Sing yet featuring everyone's favorite performer, Sebastian. He was the first of three soloists from the multi-age classes, singing a song about no more pie. Very cute. (Sorry no video, I didn't want to try to get permission from other people who might have popped into view.) Then, his class was one of several demonstrating the Twist. All 450-ish students plus 50 or so teachers and guests were twisting away in the sweatiest dance party I've been to in a long time. And me without my vinyl skirt...

The Bad: On the way to Little Peoples camp, I was crossing in the crosswalk at Malfunction Junction* (if you've been to Bratt, you know where I mean). A pickup turning left stopped to let me pass, as he should have since pedestrians have the right of way. The old man driving the car behind him neglected to notice, and I heard a CRUNCH! Whoops. I booked it up the street, which I don't think was technically leaving the scene of an accident since I wasn't in one of the cars involved. Besides, I'm the only person I've seen in this town with a giant, bright red jog stroller, so I'm sure they could track me down if they wanted to.

* What does it say about VT that every town seems to have one of these?

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