there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Today I feel a little annoyed

You wanted more Dorian? Well, you can have him.

After writing on the wall and on himself with markers, and peeing all over the house, I'm trying to make dinner when this happens:

D: Mama, I put the toothbrush thing in my potty to make it better.

M: (through gritted teeth) What "toothbrush thing"?

D: In here.

M: (enters bathroom and sees potty full of pee but no "toothbrush thing") What did you put in the potty?

D: (points) Wha-wha

M: What?!

D: (points again and mumbles) Yuck.

M: (holding mostly full tube of toothpaste globbed with same) This?!

D: (nods) Wha. Yuck.

M: (sniffing tube) No...

D: (nods)