there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The reason I don't use patterns

Alright, I do use patterns. But there's always something I want to do differently. Not this time. I was fully prepared to follow the directions for this baby jacket. Every single direction. Without fail. Not only that, but I even scored the exact yarn the pattern was designed with, except in orange instead of mint green. I should have been all set, right?

Well, my gauge is apparently totally ridiculous. In case you don't know already, knitting patterns come with a gauge that tells you how many stitches and rows there are to make a 4" square. Even with size 3 needles instead of size 6 ones, I am still knitting way too big. I must be the loosest knitter around. (Don't laugh.) Now, this doesn't explain why my gauge is perfectly fine with the sock I'm working on (above, right).

Maybe it's the cotton yarn that isn't as elastic as wool. Maybe it's me. Either way, I get to tweak the pattern so I don't end up with sleeves to fit an adult.

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