there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mail in a small(ish) town

Lucky for us, we live in a town that is not so big, or we might not receive some of our mail.

So far this Christmas, we have received one card addressed to us at "Fair St." (Only one letter right.) And today we got a package addressed to us at "Vine St." (At least it rhymes.) Either there aren't many people with our last name here, or we have some clever postmen.

On the other hand, we have also gotten mail for a woman with a totally different name who lives at "(Our #) Pearl St." which is 3 blocks away. And then we got a letter for someone with our last name, but at a totally different address on the street behind us. Both of those letters were correctly addressed but completely mis-delivered.

The conclusion? It's an imperfect system which has worked in our favor on a couple of occasions. Now I just have to hope that the letter I mis-addressed to Germany gets to the right place!


jamie said...

fortunately, i was able to copy your address directly from your package. i hope that means that our stuff gets there today. Merry Christmas!!

Crispin H. Glover said...

Oh it got here today, but you were the aforementioned Vine St people. Maybe you Brooklynites write your P's so they look like V's. Or maybe you're just testing our mailman.