there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The mysteries of the world (or at least this blog) revealed

Chances are, you probably don't care why my blog is called "There'll be days like this" and you probably never bothered to wonder why the address is "". But just in case you ever did, this should illuminate things for you. I always sang this Shirelles song this way to be silly, and that's where I got the blog name and address. And now Clockwatcher, savvy sis-in-law that she is, has uncovered this little gem:



Anonymous said...

Very cute! You girls are just both so clever.


hazzardous topics said...

I watched this drinking my morning coffee, and that was a mistake. Hot coffee is not good coming out of nose at 7:00 am.

Very funny a little too funny for an overtired mamma.