there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Less nimble, smaller brain

We got an awesome package in the mail yesterday from my brother who sent both DDR: Hottest Party 2 and Big Brain Academy. (Thanks, Jack!) Unfortunately, I had to wait until after exercise class to try out the DDR, which was a gigantic mistake.

After Lois' butt-kicking class in which I had to lift 5 lb weights over my head 90 times in a row* among other things, I was more than a smidge tired and suffering from the jelly legs. You are probably wondering why I would even get on a dance pad at that point, and you would be totally right to wonder. I, too, am wondering the same thing. Especially since the new version is loaded with exciting new tricks designed to confuse even the nimblest among us. And apparently my mad skillz on the original Hottest Party are more attributable to repetition and memorization than to actual foot-eye coordination. I'm psyched about the new songs and looking forward to trying again...

...But today was spent enrolling in the Big Brain Academy where I discovered that, although my blog may be "genius" level, I am decidedly not. When tested, I received a C+. The horror! Sebastian got a C--, and Dorian got a D (for Dorian!). I am only slightly reassured by the fact that Jeremy got a C++, but I still kicked his ass repeatedly in the Brain Quiz and Mind Sprint categories.

*I totally only did 60, but it was still too much.

1 comment:

Crispin H. Glover said...

I'm looking forward to a new year of cut throat competition with you. my number 1 goal for 2009 is to conquer the advanced level on DDR.