there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Today, I'm a little sad

I'm sad because of a conversation I had with Sebastian's teacher this morning while I sliced cucumbers for healthy snack. I asked whether their class would be going back to the book fair this week so I could give Mr. S a little spending money. I think we all remember the book fair, right? The glossy movie novelizations, the bendy pencils, counting out your change to buy that special thing that (chances are) your parents would never have picked out.

Well, the teacher said no, they would not be going back because it is just torture for the children who know they can't have anything. How many kids could that be? Oh, only 13 out of the 18. The teacher said that probably only 5 kids in the class would be able to buy anything this year. It just made me want to cry.

She then went on to say that she "fears for our community, the number of children growing up in squalor." I would have guessed that 5 of the kids were really poor. Not 13. What can you do about that?

I guess I just have to resist the temptation to get really frustrated that I am the only parent who seems involved on a regular basis, and be thankful that those kids (and their teacher) at least have one person helping them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sad. You and Jack loved those. Makes me want to send up a donation so that everyone could have a little something. I didn't realize that it was so bad up there.
