there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The year in review/How'd I do?

A year ago I made the following resolutions:

1. Continuing to enjoy being at home with 2 crazy monkeys. I have made great strides in this area over the last year, and want to keep it up.
2. Getting more exercise. One 1 hour class per week probably isn't enough. Even if it is the hardest class on earth.
3. Improving our living situation. Whether this means buying a house, or finally getting the appropriate storage for this one, things could be better.
4. Not beating myself up for eating too much. I like eating and I should allow myself to enjoy it responsibly.
5. Making sure I continue to respect my own needs as much as I do those of the other people in my house.

So, how did I do? Okay, I guess.
  1. I did/do enjoy being home with the boys, and I sometimes wish Sebastian were still home, but he's not and he's happy, so there you go.
  2. I think I did pretty well with this one at the beginning of the year, but I only made it to one exercise class the entire month of December. And our current financial situation does not make me feel like a gym membership is a viable option, so I'll have to try harder. I'm hoping DDR2 will help with this.
  3. We did buy a house. Which is awesome and way better than living in our old apartment. (Plus, the stair action must count toward number 2, right?) I'm still working on the proper storage arrangements for this house, though.
  4. I apparently did so well with this one that I even forgot that I had to make such a resolution in the first place. Go me!
  5. I would give myself a "fair" for this. I am definitely doing better than last year, anyway, which is a start.

So, what will the plan for 2009 be? Let's see...

  • Painting the spare room, dining room and hallway
  • Building a fence
  • Growing a great garden and canning some of my own produce
  • Not allowing myself to get roped into anything I don't really want to do, especially where Sebastian's school is involved
  • and trying to find realistic, non-pharmaceutical solutions to my mental health issues.

Can I accomplish all that? Who knows? I'd say probably not, but that wouldn't be very optimistic, now would it?

1 comment:

Crispin H. Glover said...

Congratulations on your amazing success. it's rare for people to even look back on their resolutions let alone check them off as accomplished. pretty impressive, hott mama.