there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


That's what you call it when:

There are at least 3 kinds of wallpaper in the only closet in the house.
The wall is "insulated" with cardboard, some of which obviously dates to the turn of the last century.

There are ancient spools holding up the yards and yards of clothesline necessary as there is no space for a dryer in the house.

And the TV antenna is conveniently located in the attic. No climbing on the roof to get better reception of the exactly zero stations in the area! Genius.

We have realized this house is not worth the effort involved. Maybe if we got it for free. But it becomes clearer with every passing minute why this house, from the estate of one of the largest families around, is not being occupied by any of its members.

1 comment:

Clockwatcher said...

I am fascinated by that indoor antenna. I can just imagine Jeremy or you climbing up there to fix something.