there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The awesomest!

There is a blog that I read sometimes that I mostly enjoy, but sometimes is way too touchy-feely for me. The writer is always gushing about long walks on the beach, or baby toes, or pretty sunsets or some shit and then asking, "What are you loving now?" Well, you asked for it, sister!*

*Note: I can guarantee she will probably never see this, but I don't care.
I love this scraper/tool/doohickey! Love it! Love it so much I bought a second one for Jeremy (not pictured) who I also love. It scrapes off wallpaper... It cleans paint off rollers... It pulls out nails... It opens beer bottles for people who drink beer (not me)... It is all around awesome. And I suspect it would be mighty handy in my next (first) bar brawl.
The Dyson. Aaaahhhh... Have you ever seen anything more hideously magical in your life? This thing can suck some junk off your floor, believe me. I know they're expensive, but if you are a smart shopper like myself, you will wait until your favorite farmers pack up for the west coast and then harass them endlessly until they sell theirs to you for half price instead of leaving it in storage. And then you can sing about what suckers they are while you wield the most powerful sucker of all.
I am loving that soon, very soon, our room will be done and we can get out of the scary room. Christine (not pictured) who I also love came to paint the trim with me this morning. She is awesome, and so is covering up the "Tenement gray" trim with "Ultra bright white" paint. Ignore the tape around the trim and just picture our room with the "Sundrenched" walls, white trim, "Chocolate Pudding" floor, and my dirty clothes all over the place. It will be wonderful...

Finally, I am loving that as I type this, Mr. DeeDee has passed out amidst the marker carnage giving me a brief moment of peace before we go to the CSA and the grocery store where he will be hollering for a cookie while I try to come up with a side dish to take to the back-to-school BBQ tonight. How many volunteer opportunities can I get myself roped into in one night? Watch and cringe.

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