there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The kitchen is finally coming together

I know, I know, there is a ridiculous amount of junk on the counter. But, there used to be a ridiculous amount under the counter in boxes, so we made a huge amount of progress this weekend. Next to the counter is the portable dishwasher. Now-- imagine that the picture on the left is rotated so the wall is parallel to the wall in the picture on the right and there is a window next to the sink cabinet and that is the kitchen. The stove and dishwasher will swap places at some point. There is the built in shelving around the corner from the stove where my less often used dishes are. The cookbooks will go on the empty shelf when they turn up.
And this is my pantry, overloaded with dishes and food. I need to get a couple of baskets to put things like rolling pins and tupperware in and then it, too, will be complete.
Now, if I could just get the horrifyingly dirty linoleum floor replaced, it would be great! I have already mopped the floor 3 times and it doesn't come clean. The water turns black, but the floor looks just as bad as it did before. I suspect it hasn't been cleaned in 10 years, and I'm not exaggerating. The 5 second rule is a 5 nanosecond rule at this house.

1 comment:

Clockwatcher said...

It looks great! Good job Paquettes!