there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's a little sad

Well, it's more than a little sad that the summer and the harvest season is coming to a close. There are only 5 more weeks of our CSA. The only good thing about that is that I don't have to get all wistful and weepy when I drive by the house Cortney and Dustin were living in for the summer. (Now they're out in CA living the high life.) And I guess it will be good to not have the compulsion to can and freeze everything all the time.

But it is not at all good to know that corn season is almost done. Because Walker Farm corn... there's nothing like it. It is so sweet and wonderful. I stopped by to get a baker's dozen to freeze for the winter... and only half made it to the freezer. But while we were there, we found out that they now have chickens!

Dorian's reaction when Karen tried to take him into their enclosure? "No! I don't want to be pecked to death!"

What the hell? So now he's afraid of heights and chickens?


Crispin H. Glover said...

Don't forget, he's also afraid of dogs. He thinks they will eat him too. It's because he's so delicious.

q said...

he is yummy