there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eco shmeeko

I just finished slopping some "environmentally friendly" paint stripper on part of the living room floor. It is the rankest smelling stuff I can think of. Poopy diapers smell like a summer breeze in comparison. It better work.

It probably won't and it will be a further reminder to me why everyone I know paid someone else to do their floors. Everyone tried it themselves and then gave up. Why do I think I am special?


jamie said...

did you use an environmentally-friendly paint? just wondering because you referenced the smell of that in a previous entry and one of the nice things about the low- and no-VOC paints is that they don't really smell very much.

really can't wait to come up and see the finished product. i think doing so much in so little time definitely qualifies you as "special".

Hott Mama said...

Our wall paint is low-VOC, but the floor paint is not. That stuff does not exist at our store.

The eco-stripper is working okay, but not great. I will be painting that floor as well, but I still need to strip some of the old paint first.

We'd love to have you, Jamie, and anyone else (barring creeps, vandals and serial killers) come to see the house. We hope to be done with the majority of the work by the end of the month and we'll have an open house in October.