there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The closet

I was (am) excited about how large our closet is. Not so exciting is the condition of the walls in there. For one thing, there is a terrible wallpaper situation. Some places there are one or two layers, some places there are 6 which come off in chunks like box board. And in some places, I pull down the wallpaper to reveal crumbling plaster. It is fantastic! So, I started the demolition work last night before ANTM.
I tore down all of this yesterday, neatened it up and was ready to sheetrock today while Dorian watched a video. Ha! When I decided to tackle some more of the wallpaper first, I discovered this:
Yes, the back wall was in the same wonderful condition. So I pulled all that down, too. It's all terribly "People Under the Stairs" except that this closet is actually located over top of the stairs. I thought I saw someone behind the lathe, but it turned out to just be a swinging piece of plaster falling behind the wall. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have just slapped another layer of wall paper over the whole thing and called it a day! If it makes you feel any better our whole upstairs was in the same condition when we bought our house...we had the extra added bonus of fake wood panelling holding it all together.
The boys' room looks great! Can't wait to see more of the kitchen!

Hott Mama said...

If the top 2 layers of wallpaper weren't trying to leap off the walls, maybe slapping another layer on would have worked. However, I am not so lucky. Nor do I want to invest in closet wallpaper. Do you know what cute wallpaper costs? Too much.