there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, September 15, 2008

In the Principal's office

I had my meeting with Sebastian's teacher and principal today, and it went really well. They really seem to be making an effort to make his school experience both challenging and appropriate for him at his age. Because he is still 5. Just because he spells like an 8th grader and is doing the 2nd graders' work doesn't mean he isn't still a little boy who is technically supposed to be Kindergarten. It was very nice to feel like we were all on the same page about his education. I was so afraid that they would say they didn't know what to do with him.

But they have a plan, and it is a plan that I feel completely comfortable with because it seems well thought out. I want Sebastian to like school. I want it to be a positive experience. And it seems like his teacher and principal are working very hard to make it one.

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

wahooo! i am so happy it went well. i bet they are happy to be in the general area of the greatness that is that little sebastian. right?