there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My bigger boy

Oh, that Sebastian! He's been growing up so much, and just amazes me every day. Friday he set off to school wearing his skirt. I was more than a little nervous and convinced it would be the day he came home with a black eye. I decided to warn him that some people may not appreciate his fashion sense. I told him that some people think skirts are only for girls and women, and they might want to tell him that. He replied, "Well, I will just tell them that my mom is fine with it and that's what I want to wear." I have no idea where I went right with that boy's self-esteem, or if it's that high in spite of me, but he is brimming with the stuff.

So, he did get picked on, but it seems unrelated to the skirt. One of his classmates was pinching and hitting him on the bus. I asked if he told the bus driver but he said, "No. I thought [my teacher] was better to handle it." Okay.

And in unrelated news, I cut his hair last night. Sebastian didn't want to give up the curls, but he also did not want them to be brushed or washed, so it was time for them to go.
He looks so different, all I could do at dinner was stare.
Then again, maybe it was the outfit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow what a transformation!! He looks great and definitely old enough for first grade. Good job. Di