there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The bedroom is livable! or, I looked like a chimbley sweep

Jeremy and I set up our bed in our new bedroom this morning! I cannot begin to express to you all how happy I am to be out of the spare room. We had a mattress on the dusty floor, the wallpaper peeling all around us. It was a nightmare. But it is all over now. Now we can inhale the residual paint fumes as we sleep in a proper bed in a real room. I just need a new chimney thimble to replace that old one so we can look like the sort of people who like to have dinner plates hanging on the walls.
The newly improved closet-- putting clothing in here no longer seems unreasonable as it once did. I really wanted to sew the curtain for our window today, but it just isn't going to happen. I can see the sewing machine box underneath several other boxes and, frankly, I'm feeling too lazy to try to dig it out and then try to find my box of thread. So, it ain't happenin'. I need to be up early tomorrow for my conference at school anyway. Better the sun wakes me up than the sons.
And, at long last, here is the evidence of how disgusting pulling down a horsehair plaster ceiling can be. Jeremy took this with his phone shortly before I had a mini-breakdown from inhaling too much dust. I had to wash my hair 3 times before it was clean. But it had to be done so that Steven and Nathan could replace the plaster with sheetrock. And if that hadn't happened, I'd be sleeping in the flophouse again tonight. And I'm not. So looking like that was totally worth it.

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