there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy autumn!

Today is the first day of one of my 4* favorite seasons, and to celebrate there have been big plans made and accomplished. So far I have:
  1. made an apple pie from a small number of the organic apples we picked yesterday. Why did I think we needed a 1/2 bushel?
  2. gone to a meeting that wasn't happening where it was supposed to, for something I don't really want to be doing anyway. Think puppet shows.
  3. had to let go of the idea of going to exercise class in favor of going to the first PTA meeting of the year. Such a selfless mother I am. I haven't made it to exercise class all month which totally stinks. Maybe Wednesday.
  4. accepted that if I want to move in to the living room this weekend and eliminate the boxes cluttering the dining room, I will have to come home from what will surely be a pointless PTA meeting and prime the living room walls. "Graceful green" is the color that I'm counting on to soothe this savage beast. (Okay, so I'm only half Savage, but that's not my fault.)

* We have 6 if you count "Mud Season" and "Stick Season".

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