there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, September 12, 2008

Things to look forward to

I am looking forward to our second full weekend in the new house. The bedroom is finished, it just needs to sit for a few days before we can move the furniture onto the painted floor. So here are a few things I can look forward to over the next few days.

  • Making curtains for the bedroom and the kitchen. I have had the kitchen fabric since I went to IKEA and I got the bedroom fabric this morning, so I just need to sew a few rectangles and we'll be in business.
  • Getting my hair cut tomorrow. It has been far too long and I am looking rough, so it is time to clean myself up so I can be hott mama and not shott mama.
  • Meeting with Sebastian's teacher and the Principal. I sent an email asking simply whether Sebastian was adjusting okay, and get a reply stating they were going to call me for a meeting next week. I am trying to stay positive about this and hope they have some sort of plan for addressing his needs. His last school basically threw up their hands in surrender, so I hope that this school is a little more helpful.
  • Getting the broken windows fixed. It is mighty cold here at night now, and having the 35 degree air blowing in through the hole in the kitchen window is a little unpleasant. Perhaps smashing it was unwise of me.
  • Finally going to the back to school BBQ that was postponed last week. I've been waiting to be snagged for volunteer opportunities for days now.

Also, Sebastian's school is participating in a "Localvore Challenge" next week and he set a goal of eating at least 5 local foods per day. "Local" for the purposes of the challenge means produced within a 100 mile radius of our house or from anywhere in Vermont. Lucky for us, we belong to the CSA and I have put up lots of local, organic fruit. So, if I make blueberry muffins for our breakfast we will have eaten local flour, milk, eggs and berries. Add some Stonyfield yogurt and we've already done 5 in one meal. I know that I try to buy locally as often as I can, but I was surprised when I thought about how much we do eat. When Sebastian picked 5 items, I groaned, thinking it would be harder than it really is. I'm looking forward to enjoying the abundance of our area for the week, and beyond.

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