there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The house

Dorian's new bed. He's a big boy now! He also gets the rug and the new bookcase on his side of the room. Not the greatest pictures here, but use your imagination.
Sebastian's corner of the room. To the right is the closet door and the hamper and Sebastian's dresser. At the foot of his bed there is one more window and the book case which I did not photograph.
This is the wall of my and Jeremy's closet which I discovered is too water damaged to do anything with. So after vowing to not pull down anything else following the ceiling nightmare, I am stuck pulling down part of the wall. Not the whole thing, but enough to be totally messy and dusty, I'm sure. I'm not looking forward to this project for this evening, but it must be done so that I can start painting our bedroom so we can stop living in the flophouse/spare bedroom/Dustin's room.
These are the beautiful flowers my mother sent as a housewarming. They looked lovely amongst the clutter on my new counter top. This is the only view of the kitchen I am willing to show. It was wonderful in there until I moved all my stuff in. Now there are boxes and boxes of random homeless things. Anyway, Nathan is going to come over and move our outlet so the stove can go next to the counter top that those flowers are on. When the stove moves, then our new portable dishwasher can move to where the stove was. All hail the magic box! Now Jeremy needs a new chore...

I have also gotten a good amount of gardening done: ripped out a ton of weeds, killed a swarm of hornets, planted a few perennials and planted my black raspberry bush from Cortney. I love our new yard. We can actually play outside. It is awesome.

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