there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, February 16, 2008

DDR, how hard you are!

I took the kids over to Wal-mart yesterday for the first time in months because I finally decided that I needed to get some more ear protection headphones so that Dorian could stay in the room while Sebastian plays the drums. I told my friend this plan before I left and she suggested I get a few pair while I was at it. (Thanks a lot, Amanda.) Apparently, my house is so loud I need to have a rack of hunting headphones for visitors instead of the slippers that some people have. Lucky me.

So, GameStop happens to be in the same shopping center and, even though I had been checking online and it still said Dance Dance Revolution for the Wii was backordered, I stopped in anyway. And they had it! Boy, was I pumped. It was all I could do to wait until after Jeremy came home and after dinner to try it out.

I'll tell you what. We played that damned game for 3 hours yesterday, and I don't think I have improved at all. It is hard. Really, really hard. The arcade version seems difficult enough, but because it's for the Wii you have to wave the remote and nunchuk around to the beat, too. I don't think I am too poor a dancer in real life. But this game is more like my complete inability to follow along during an aerobics class. Tripping over myself, finally getting the hang of one move just as we're changing to another one, you get the picture. It's not that I don't like it, even though I did have one hissy fit that would have resulted in the remote being thrown had it not been strapped to my wrist. It's just going to take a ridiculous amount of practice.

Jeremy, of course, was a natural immediately, damn him. Those of you who have played Guitar Hero or RockBand with him will understand my mixture of admiration and frustration. Sebastian obviously gets the rhythm thing from Daddy, not me.

1 comment:

hazzardous topics said...

yeah!!!!! oh yeah!!! I am so excited. Can I move in. I might not be a video game girl, but you throw dancin in the mix and I AM THERE. Hopefully I won't knock Jeremy out again.