there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

He thinks he's Calvin

Sebastian's new obsession with Calvin and Hobbes has deepened recently and it's starting to get a little ridiculous. (At least Animusic is on the wane.)

He runs around naked all the time. We bought the kids some bathing suits at the thrift store and whenever he wears his, Sebastian does that pose in the photo. And he walks around having comic-style reactions to things, ie. ACCKKK!!! and WAAUGHHH!!!

But the most truly frightening parenting moment I've had in a while came last week when Sebastian, grinning ear to ear, brought over the Calvin and Hobbes book he was reading. "Look at this, Mama." It was the strip where Calvin sits in the toilet and flushes himself and spins around. "I can't wait to try this!" Yeah, that better not happen.

***Special Announcement***

Remember this little brain teaser from January 29th? Well, we have a winner! Dustin's answer of personally i'd give it a few weeks - that child b eats like jabba the hutt is correct! Those bathing suits I referred to? Size 4. Both of them fit both children. They are a little shorter on the taller boy, but otherwise fit the same.


jamie said...

make sure to take pictures when he starts building the wacky snowmen. speaking of which, there's a great gallery of C&H snow art here:

Anonymous said...

oh my god. i am the smartest man alive. you all witnessed it! call me NostraDUSTas from now on please. i believe i've earned it.

and for those of you hedging bets - we kept one of the wii's. did you really ever doubt it for a second?