there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I've taken a turn

And it's not for the better. Some time in the last week, February totally caught up with me. I had been doing so well this winter avoiding those seasonal blues. I even survived Jeremy's absence really well. I didn't even have one breakdown. All that fell apart somewhere around last Friday. Since then
  • I pitched that hissy fit when things weren't going my way during Dance Dance Revolution. Behavior level: 5 years old.
  • I had a phone conversation on Saturday that really pissed me off. Behavior level: very angry 31 year old.
  • I tried to go out by myself on Sunday but couldn't think of anything to do. I really wanted to go for a walk in the woods but everything here is covered in a sheet of ice. So I was settling for going to the town sand pile for a bucket of sand. Woo-hoo. I said something self-deprecating which was reinforced by Mr. Jeremy. This resulted in my bursting into tears, slamming the bedroom door and throwing myself across the bed sobbing. Behavior level: 15 years old.
  • I have also become so bone cold, I just can't shake it. At the same time I'm cursing high oil prices and putting on a hat in the goddamn house for chrissake, my children are mocking me by running around in their underpants/diapers. Behavior level: 90 years old.
  • I have reached the point of complete dissatisfaction. While I think if I have to stay in this apartment another minute I might strangle someone, the thought of going out into the cold to the same old activities we've been doing for months now is no more appealing. Behavior level: sulky preteen.

On the other hand, the sky is clear and blue today for a change. And last night as I drove to exercise class, the full moon was rising over the mountains and it was just breathtaking. I wished I had my camera. I just need to focus on the good and the beautiful. Because we all know that mud season is really no better than this.


Listmaker said...

nov used to be my least favorite month but now it is january.

i dig feb for many reasons. spring training, my birthday, brighter days, longer days, the feeling that spring is almost almost here.

but i don't live in the arctic circle like you guys do either.

princess cortney said...

i feel you with the february. just look at my blog entry. i believe i said the vacation is over. depressing. we don't have cold, but we have doldrums. and i am getting bored. at least we are not in it alone.

Hott Mama said...

Arctic circle is right. Wintry mix again today.
The first year we lived in VT, we were a little farther north, but the last snow was on May 16th! It doesn't usually happen, but I do have to prepare myself mentally for the possibility of 3 more months of winter weather.