there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, February 25, 2008

A bit of this, a bit of that

  • Thank you to those of you who have commented recently, especially about the school thing. I know that it is important to be prepared for as much as possible. Just ask Listmaker about the 5 Ps-- Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Or something like that. And that is generally my motto. I'm just concerned about children losing their innocence so quickly, and how soon they are inculcated with our society's fears, whether legitimate or not.
  • Losing some sleep was completely worth giving the kids a great first sleepover experience. Following what I just said, it is important to me that my kids look back and remember the good times of childhood. I don't want them to have to grow up too quickly. I know that everyone wishes they had done some things differently, done some things more or some things less. I don't expect them to look back and think they had the "perfect" life, or the perfect parents. I just want there to be plenty of evidence that they were loved and that we tried to give them a fun, happy, healthy start to their lives.
  • On an entirely different note, Dorian aka Panny the little panda has recently discovered a love for Morrissey aka Anotherrissey. (Think about it. That name makes complete sense to a 2 year old.) Ask him to pick out a CD for dinner music and that's what you'll get.
  • My favorite (please read that word facetiously) interloper interrupted my conversation with a member of my former book club this morning. We were talking about what book they were reading this month when she pops in, "Oh, are you talking about dogs?" No, we weren't. Then she starts talking about a book she's reading/has read and as she is talking my friend realizes that she has read this book and that at least half of what she's saying is totally wrong. Later, Interloper tells me that her 2 and a half year old daughter is "still figuring out the social thing." I commented that it often takes a while, thinking that her mother is certainly no role model for proper social behavior.
  • Last night, before the Oscars started, Jeremy and Quinn and I were all making our picks. Jeremy suggested we come up with a tie breaker. I replied that we have never had a tie, so I didn't know what he was worried about. So, you already know where this is heading... We had a tie. Jeremy and I each had 11 and Quinn had 10 correct. He said we'd have to wrestle for it, but in the aftermath of the sleepover, we were too tired.
  • I just finished a really good book, A Map of the World by Jane Hamilton. I was just about to say that it was a little Oprah's book club-ish, and then I looked it up and it was an Oprah pick. Whatever. I liked it. Between this book and No Country for Old Men, I have rinsed some of the sugar overload from my mind, induced by too many video games and sitcoms on DVD. I was lacking for entertaining drama, and now I feel more balanced.


Anonymous said...

you know, that's all very interesting and everything, but let's all look at the REAL important development here: wii fitness age - 27? hot damn! impressive. i bet you put some frustration behind those home run swings. oh, and incidently, if that's "how you feel," wouldn't that make you "HOTTT MAMA?"

Hott Mama said...

27 just isn't as good as that 23 I once had.
And technically, yes, that would make me HOTTT MAMA, but until the nuclear power plant causes me to grow an extra finger on my right hand, I don't have room for the extra T.

Listmaker said...

i have recently learned about the 6 p's which are even better than the 5 p's.

prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

Crispin H. Glover said...

well now that you're 35, you're finally ready to hear such randy language.