there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What I know about football...

...could fit in:
a. an elf's thimble
b. a midget's nostril
c. a beetle's bellybutton.

We were talking about Super Bowl pools today at lunch and apparently there are certain numbers or combinations of numbers that are practically impossible to end the scores. So, getting the block for 8-8 is unlikely to be lucky... I guess. I have no idea still. I was thrown off by the fact that everything I thought I knew about football was very, very wrong.
For example, I thought that a touchdown was 3 points and a field goal was 1. Now, I don't remember what the right answer is, but that is NOT it. And I finally figured out after 29 years what 4 downs were, but 2 years later all I could remember was that it was 4 tries for something and when Jim said that something was 10 yards, it didn't sound right, but I trust him. If that is true, it is no wonder that game takes forever to play. Christ, anything more than 3 tries is obscene. 3 strikes and you're out, right?
Either way, I will only be paying minimal attention in the hopes that we win some $ in Jeremy's pool at work. 5-4 better not be unlucky numbers, but I wouldn't know.


Listmaker said...

this post made me laugh.

my mom took a "how to watch football with your husband" type thing back in 1970 taught by wives of some of the redskins.

i'm pretty sure she didn't even make it to halftime of one game.

Hott Mama said...

Those Redskin wives have a vested interest in the sport that I do not. I think it is hilarious to imagine your mom hanging out with them trying to learn why the tight ends rarely possess one.

Listmaker said...

i thought you'd like this if you haven't already seen it.