there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

2 down 2 to go

Dorian really wanted his pants and considering he was being so polite and excited about them, I thought I'd oblige. I didn't think I would have time until Friday, but Jeremy took the kids for a walk after dinner and it was almost enough time to finish. I couldn't finish anyway until I measured the elastic around that chubby little tummy, so it worked out fine.

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now. Some of you know about the adversarial relationship I have with my sewing machine. There are a variety of reasons for this including my laziness with pinning, bobbin problems, and the machine hating me. But I made my peace with it and there is no more screaming or cussing involved in my sewing projects. I will admit to muttering under my breath. One step at a time.

I would also like to thank all of you for either wittingly or unwittingly motivating me to get these things done. Knowing that I have told you I'm starting these projects makes me want to get them done faster (or at all). And for those of you who voted for my avoiding the blanket, you're only half right. Yes, the section I'm working on is a bear and taking me 8 minutes per row of 142 stitches--ugh. But, it obviously isn't going to be done for use this winter, so there's no rush. Spring pants do need to be done for the Spring, though, so the pant project takes precedence.


q said...

i love that belly.

Crispin H. Glover said...

I love alliteration: "the pant project takes precedence."

princess cortney said...

man, i would sew for that belly any day. can you make me some pants so i can be that cute? sure doesn't get much better. and thanks for putting up the pictures.