there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Japanimation kind of day

Yesterday was "movie night" as it is every Saturday in our house. When we went to the video store, we found this little gem called "Bottle Fairy" that the kids fell in love with at first sight. They were completely consumed by the idea of watching it for the entire 24 hours we had it in the house before the viewing. Not a full-length movie, it actually was 6 twelve minute long episodes that were totally crazy in that inimitably Japanese way. Each episode was about a different month from April through September and focused on the 4 girls (Chiriri, Kururu, Sarara, and Hororo) learning something new in the hopes of becoming human. They are assisted by Senseisan, an adolescent boy they live with, and Tamachan, a crazy girl with a fang who often gives them misinformation. It was so delightfully absurd.

After the kids went to bed, Jeremy and I broke out "Trauma Center" for the Wii. We borrowed this from Amanda and Nathan a while ago, but didn't get around to playing it until now. It is hilarious. You play a bumbling new doctor who has to perform a variety of operations like the one pictured at left. At one point my patient was literally erupting glass from his something or other. (Trust me, you don't want this to happen to you.) The game features ridiculous dialogue which is just displayed as captions on the screen next to anime style drawings of the characters. If you are lucky, you get to hear some footsteps approaching or receding. The part that was shocking to me was how truly anxious I became about completing the operation in time. It didn't help that every mistake included a gruesome sound effect of bones snapping or glass gouging, etc. It was fun on one level, but terribly stressful on another, and just confirmed what I've always known: Nursing is not for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't wait until they come out with "Law Firm" and i get to read about the stress of taking several days to prepare briefs that will barely be looked at by the senior partner and getting passed over for promotion so that the hot shot new kid with the Harvard degree can have the corner office.