there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm not okay after all

I was doing really well accepting that Jeremy was going to Costa Rica and I wasn't. I really didn't mind. I knew he had no real control over this and I was okay with it. Or so I thought.

Then he came home yesterday with his itinerary which includes, but is not limited to, a trip to a volcano, rafting down a river, and a zip line through the rain forest canopy. I am not okay. I am sick with jealousy. I will probably never take a trip like this. And if I ever do, it will probably be with him and it will not be half as exciting for him the second time. And it won't be free.

Not to mention he has to leave our house at 4:45am, so we have to say goodbye the night before and he won't be back until about 2am so we won't say hello until the next morning. But the joke's on him because he'll be getting up with the kids that day, yes sir.

And all this is just practice for the 6 day trip he'll be taking in May to Las Vegas. I am not jealous about this trip at all as I have no real desire to go there. The casino in Montreal where I pushed an old lady is more my speed. He'll have to work for that trip, too, so I hope he doesn't have time to gamble away our down payment. It's just very disheartening to know I will be on my own for another week.

I do have plans to go kayaking/camping overnight with my exercise class in May. Somehow, though, I don't think the Connecticut River will be as exciting to kayak down as whatever river Jeremy will be rafting down. However, as he pointed out, there is less chance of crocodile attacks. But I don't know what the residents of Clark Street are up to these days, so he could be wrong.

1 comment:

hazzardous topics said...

Props go to you for the shout out to Clark Street.
It might be the "hood" of Bratt, but how many people can brag about the exotic wild life on their street. Although your neighbors seem a little wild if not exotic.