there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, April 14, 2008

Okay, I lied

Well, maybe I didn't lie exactly. I just underestimated myself.

I finished the first of 4 pair of pants. The kids wanted to use the computer this afternoon and I totally took advantage of their absorption in a game to whip up the pants. They are chocolate brown with a light blue accented by pears and apples.

They are modelled by the recipient, my very own aspiring ANTM contestant. Unfortunately, his film wasn't so hot because he consistently chooses to pose while I'm snapping the photo, leading to excessive blurriness. Tyra needs to school him on his timing.

Dorian gets two crazy polka-dotted pair and Sebastian gets one more brown pair with a retro star burst accent. I cut out the pieces tonight (which took about an hour for all 3 sets instead of for one). I'm not sure when they will be assembled, but I will publish the pictures post haste.

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