there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Recent meal conversations

D: Do you want to play knock knock jokes?

S: Okay.

D: Knock knock

S: Who's there?

D: Banana

S: Banana who?

D: Knock knock

S: Who's there?

D: Orange

S: Orange who?

D: Orange you glad I couldn't did you say banana?

S: You need to say banana more first!

S: You know what, Mama? I'm not just a cow predator, I also like them!
HM: Oh, yeah?
S: Yeah. I wouldn't kill one that's still alive. I'd just eat one from a restaurant.
HM: ....
S: I wouldn't want to eat a live one because I don't want to taste the skin.

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

that is pretty much my argument, too. the skin. yuck! and banana banana banana