there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh, the anxiety!

Last night, I started to make the first of the sewing projects I purchased supplies for yesterday.

It took me an entire hour to cut out the pieces. There were 3 of those. Three pieces took an hour.

This was mainly due to the absolutely nerve-wracking nature of cutting fabric. I was terrified. Terrified it would be crooked. Terrified I would follow the wrong size line. Terrified I would find some way to monkey up the whole works.

After listening to me agonize for some time, Jeremy pointed out that I don't get nearly so nervous when I completely wing it to make Halloween costumes, teddy bear clothes, etc. Which is true. I don't freak out about that at all. But there are some major differences.
  1. Halloween costumes are worn once, in the dark. Who cares that I don't hem anything as long as it looks like what it is supposed to be?
  2. I use the absolutely cheapest fabric I can find. We're talking 99 cents per yard.
  3. Homemade Halloween costumes aren't supposed to look perfect or even survive being washed.

So, as you can see, there is a lot more leeway in my usual mode of sewing.

At this rate, it may take a month to finish the first of the 5 items I had planned. Aaargh!

1 comment:

Clockwatcher said...

I'm sure it's going to turn out great, but I understand your anxiety. Next time you come down I'll take you to this little remnant place I found. I just bought upholstery fabric to recover the ottoman and do "curtains" for the closet--all for $14! I'm busting out the staple gun!