there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The pity party is officially over

I realize there is nothing to gain by crying while your children make a pirate map. Even if they are screaming at each other while doing so. Therefore, I have taken control of myself and our life and things are much better now.

Yesterday we went to the park and the library, and because it was so nice out and we stayed so long, we went out for Chinese. The kids were happy and ate their dinners and even--gasp!-- tried sushi. (They were swayed by the fact that it was oshinko maki, Japanese pickles.) We came home, they had a bath, a few bedtime stories and fell asleep at about 7:30.

At this point, I gave myself a half hour of computer time before exercising. I wanted to make good on my promise to Jeremy to try to find an affordable spa vacation that would make me happy. I wasn't having a lot of luck because they were either aimed at weight loss or cost $1000 per day. Amanda suggested I look into this one place that is known for yoga and massage. I'm not really into yoga, but I checked anyway. Most of their programs were pretty unappealing to me and my rigid cynicism, but I found one that piqued my interest. It was a 3 day organic juice fast/detox. That's what I need: a good spring cleaning. So I scroll down through the info and come to the list of items to bring. Number 1 on the list? Enema bag. So, yeah, that's not happening.

I did my hour of DDR, started the next panel on the blanket, and read the first chapter of another Dorothy L. Sayers novel, Murder Must Advertise, then went to bed. (I'm an overachiever, what do you want?) This morning, I made pancakes, washed the dishes, did my 15 minute cardio workout + 180 leg lifts, and got the laundry started.

And life goes on as usual...


q said...

good for you - you are an inspiration to us all, my dear.

A Yoga Mama is a Rama Mama said...

Hey Hott Mama,
I love your masthead photo - very cool. Stumbled upon via a Google Alert I have set up. I also have a blog about my pregnancy and my passion for yoga. You should check it out and give yoga another try. It took me a car accident and a back injury to appreciate it, but now that I do, it's one of the best things that's happened to me.

Posted you to so I will make sure to come back.