there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

God forbid

God forbid I give someone an accurate first impression of my homemaking skills. Sebastian's fiancee Margaret was coming over today which prompted a complete overhaul of the house. I was even on my hands and knees spot cleaning the kitchen floor. I justify this because she has a one year old little brother who is very busy, but really, I am totally embarrassed by the number of dust bunnies I allow to accumulate on a regular basis. And it is totally my M.O. to present a clean apartment for a first visit, so I can pretend on the next, less clean visit, that it is unusually messy in my house, when in fact it probably is still cleaner than usual because I will have kicked a path through the place.

And if we didn't invite someone new over every once in a while, the floors would never get clean.

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