there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Another exercise in vomit management

2:30 am
"Mama... Mama..."
I stumble out of bed, no glasses, into the boys' room to discover Sebastian sitting up facing the head of his bed.
"I think I'm going to throw up."
I get him into the bathroom.
"Why did I have to have those 2 shots for 6 diseases and I'm still sick?"
I was not really coherent enough to explain that this must not be polio or tetanus. I managed to get Jeremy up to help, got my glasses and the frog flashlight (thanks again, Jamie and Kaci! You must have known...) and found out that he'd already thrown up all over the bed. Great. We got him set up on the couch and the rest of the night passes uneventfully.

Jeremy and I are trying in vain to get the kids motivated to go to Keene to try and find a suit for Jeremy. Sadly, he has been wearing his father's 20 year old cast offs. At 30 years old, I think he's ready for his very own and we wanted to get it before his business trip next month.
Sebastian pitches an epic fit about not wanting to go despite the lure of eating in a restaurant. Ultimately, we discover that he thought if we didn't go get the suit, Daddy wouldn't leave on his trip and never come back. Umm... that was never the plan, but try telling that to a melodramatic 5 year old.

Crisis finally averted, we eat lunch at home (boo!) and plan to go later in the afternoon and go out to dinner. No such luck. In an effort to get a pickle, Sebastian forced himself to eat an entire grilled cheese sandwich he clearly should NOT have had and threw up again.

So, instead of getting a picture of Jeremy in a new suit, you are stuck with this boring bit of pukiness. Lucky you.

1 comment:

princess cortney said...

i must tell you that your puking story jinxed me. i didn't even make it all the way through it before albert started having a hairball all over our nice new bathroom rug. then after finishing the story, i had to hand wash that rug in the sink. next time could you write about being surprised with flowers? or cupcakes? or chocolate? please???