there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, January 18, 2008

You mean Stay-at-Home Mom means you should actually stay at home?

Today is the third day this week that the kids and I will not have left the house for any reason. This is not normal for us at all. We generally go out every morning, all morning long, sometimes even through lunch. (Packed, healthy, boring lunches-- don't get too excited.) Truly, going out is usually what keeps us all reasonably sane. We get to see other people, there is more room for the kids to run around, we get a change of scenery, etc.
But, you know what? We have been pretty happy and productive this week despite being total homebodies. We made caterpillars, robots, recycled paper, and Sebastian learned that line graphs aren't only for the stock market. I cleaned up the living room the other day and today I will have done the laundry, cleaned out the refrigerator, and baked a chocolate cake in addition to my regular duties. Dorian completed a 24 piece puzzle all by himself, and Sebastian almost finished a 55 page workbook in one morning.
I guess what I'm learning is that I need to make more room in our schedule for just being home. And I swear this has nothing to do with video games.

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