there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Conversation with a 5 year old

5: "Boy, I'd love to be rich."

31: "Why's that?"

5: "I'd like to be able to buy high cost items."

31 (trying to hide smirk about the term 'high cost items'): "What's a high cost item?"

5: "You know, things that have tags like $250."

31: "Like what?"

5: "A banjo."

At this point I found it necessary to confuse him about his personal wealth by telling him that he has $250, he just isn't allowed to buy a banjo right now. Lord only knows how much money he thinks he has.

1 comment:

Crispin H. Glover said...

Except for the payoff, this sounds like the transcript of a forgotten Calvin & Hobbes cartoon.