there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Littlest Sweatshop

I had to put the bigger of the little ones to work today making a present for his "friend" whose party we are attending tomorrow. Prepare for a rant.

This party is at the mall which is about 50 minutes away in the next state. The party involves the children each building a bear and picking out one accessory for it, while the birthday girl gets to make whatever she wants. Fine, it's her birthday, and Sebastian is not going to care, but I'm preparing to listen to some kid caterwauling over the injustice of it all. (For the record, I would be totally okay with her being the only one to get a bear. We need another stuffed animal like we need another scraped up face.) Then, we will be going to Friendly's for lunch where Sebastian's lunch will be paid for but mine won't. This presents the dilemma of whether I then have to eat at Friendly's or can I go have something else, but then I would have to leave them in charge of my child. All this headache for a child Sebastian plays with a total of 5 minutes per week. I don't think the mother likes me much; we have practically nothing in common. I don't entirely get why we were invited in the first place.

But what I really don't understand is: Why did I agree to go? I could have said no. This probably is not worth the opportunity to go to Forever 21. Is it because I didn't want to disappoint the birthday girl? Or is it because I allow myself to feel guilty that Sebastian isn't at school with a bunch of kids his age? Or is it that I'm just a dummy who didn't think things through before answering?

At least I can do our shopping at Trader Joe's on the way home. Jeremy needs more pickles.


Clockwatcher said...

There seems to be as much high school flavor shenanigans in the world of play space as is found in actual school. Much like you, I don't think I would like that game very much either.

Listmaker said...

friendly's is awesome! don't fret. do it up.

Crispin H. Glover said...

Wise words, Listmaker. Have a Jim Dandy for lunch and enjoy watching the meltdowns all around.