there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm going to go ahead and pat myself on the back now

As soon as I finished typing the last post, I decided to give the doll head a try. Next thing I knew, I was sewing on a face and putting on the hair. So at 4:22 this afternoon, Sheena was officially born. Dorian is in love with her, so I guess we'll be keeping her.

I'm quite pleased with how she turned out, especially because I did this entirely without a pattern, just my own ingenuity. And I didn't even have to rip any of it out to start over. She just naturally progressed from yarn to doll.

She's just about the coziest punk rocker you'll ever meet. She's made of 100% wool/mohair with a polyester fiberfill. Hug her for a little bit and she warms right up.

A special friend for a special boy. I wonder... if Sheena needs a nap, will Dorian join her?

1 comment:

hazzardous topics said...

That has to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I'm really proud of you. She is so much cuter than I even imagined and I imagined her being pretty darn cute. Congrats. Lucky Dee-Dee