there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, March 24, 2008

One of those mornings

It has been one of those mornings: you know, the ones where my brain is not functioning at optimum speeds. Jeremy and I were up a little late last night, and Dorian was up a little early, and, well, you do the math.

When I went to the grocery store on Saturday, I forgot to buy diapers (this is not the time to point out to me that my brain was not working then either) so I needed to go this morning. This gave me an excuse to not walk to Open Gym in 20 degree weather when I have not entirely recovered from my cold. I get the kids ready and we go to the store for diapers and 50% off Cadbury cream eggs since the Easter bunny lied to me this year. I got the two things I went in there for, and nothing more.

We arrive at Open Gym, the kids play, everything is hunky-dory, there are about 10 minutes to go. Then, another mother approaches me to let me know that it is my darling boy who is polluting the place with his stink.

I had just purchased a package of 52 diapers. How many did I have with me? Zero. They were all happily hermetically sealed in the car a block away.

Well, I reasoned, he hasn't sat down yet... how bad can it be? I'll just flush away the offending bit, and replace the diaper properly when I get home. Everything will be fine, just fine. Ha! Of course it was a totally unmanageable mess.

Dorian ended up going "Hollywood" for the trip home. Somehow, I just didn't think that the size 4 diaper I was offered for his size 6 butt was going to work. Thanks anyway, Amanda.

Luckily, we all arrived home dry and fine. And I had my Cadbury cream egg to console me.


Crispin H. Glover said...

The Easter Bunny apologizes profusely.

q said...

i prefer the term "camando"