there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Monday, March 31, 2008

Parenting is all about being taken down a peg

It's embarrassing how many times I have congratulated myself for having a child who would never do something so ridiculous as cut his own hair.

No, he just cuts his little brother's.

Don't worry, it was only one snip and it isn't noticeable amongst all the wisps and cowlicks.


Hott Mama said...

Yes, he is ridiculous enough to cut his own hair. I just didn't discover it until he put on his pajamas and there was a chunk of his hair on the back. It seems he cut it, but it didn't fall off his head until he changed his shirt.

Crispin H. Glover said...

And the conversation went like this:
A: "You cut your own hair too?"
S: "No"
J: "No, this is Dee Dee's hair, look how wispy it is."
A: "No, that Sebastian's"
J: "Did you cut your own hair?"
S: (silent)
J: "Maybe just a little bit?"
S: "Yeah"