there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Productive morning

Before we headed off to KidsPlayce today, I took a little inspiration from SouleMama and made some blank books for the kids to write in. I used up a few of the leftover wedding invitations and reply cards as the covers and then glued on some paper from various projects to cover up the words embossed on the front. I cut some white paper to size, folded it all and stapled the fold. Ta da! I can't wait to see what they write about. Sebastian's last book, My Little Book of Animusic, featured an "about the author" which said he had "illustrated many Emmy award winning books."
Sebastian and I also did a Cardio workout DVD. He chose the "I'm up for a challenge" option instead of "ease me into it" and then couldn't finish. But I did. In your face, 5 year old! I can still bring it!
Then, I finally got in some knitting while the kids played. I'm working on a charcoal gray panel of the big blanket and working it in a honeycomb stitch. It looks good so far, but wasn't really worth photographing.
Now, I just have to do a magnet experiment with the kids and make dinner so I can collapse on the couch. ANTM tonight! Who's your favorite so far? I'm a fan of Claire.


Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten to know all the girls on ANTM yet, so I'm not sure who I like best so far. How about the new format for Beauty and the Geek? I'm not sure I like it. I think pairing them up really gave them a better chance to help each other evolve. As far as the challenge goes, even though the girls were "made down", they still had the social skill advantage, so of course they would win. I'm disappointed in the new season.
I'm loving Survivor though, everyone is getting blindsided. Great satrategy going on. Poor Chet, though, he was dragged around like a rubber doll. He did hang in there though.


Anonymous said...

My vote's for Claire too!

Crispin H. Glover said...

ANTM - I'm going with Lauren for her pictures, Katarzyna for looks and Marvita for attitude. The others all bore me mostly.
Beauty and the Geek - Love the first episode especially the extremely awkward John Lennon look alike although almost all the geeks won my heart as always. I lke the new format because I don't think the beauties vs geeks will actually last that long plus it gives them a chance to band together as one and push each other to grow. I really don't see it allowing less chance for change. Plus, the It's Academic-style final quiz section is a wonderful bonus.
Survivor - Insane season. the strategy of kick of the strong people now is fascinating and unlike any previous season. i love the sycophantic fans "I got to hang out with Ozzie!" and the bruising challenges have been amazing. One of the best.