It took me a couple of days to realize that the young men living next door were not, in fact, interested in a race for Lt. Governor that is not currently being run.
When your spouse takes a business trip, how do you feel?
Your 7 year old rides the bus home daily amidst swearing Kindergarteners, violent 1st graders, and various other delinquents squeezed in 3 to a seat. Your response?
Which would you least like to see on a beverage label?
When a child cusses, it is:
What is your favorite word for underwear?
Just how inappropriate is it that my 2 year old now refers to me almost exclusively as "Hott Mama"?
We have the classiest neighbors on the block. Pot-related campaign signs to the left, beer can antennae to the right. Paradise.
holy shit, that made me laugh out loud
but do you have a friendly homeless man?
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